Thursday, February 10, 2005


did you ever get so frustrated with someone else's stupidity that you wanted to choke her around the neck but you're afraid to because you know that depriving her brain of oxygen will only make it worse?

me neither.


Todd S. said...


At least half a dozen times never.

Anonymous said...

Michelle. I'm with Todd. Anyway, I've been thinking about all the nice things you ever wrote and said about my music over the last 1,348 years...and I've got some new tunes up! So, OK? Listen to 'em and, like, drop me a line! Your pal, Ben...

Ben said...
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Ben said...

Michelle, I meant to leave a groovy post, but it got fubarred. So here's my new post, and it's that I am now blogging with the rest of them. So c'mon over to, OK?
